Prevention and Wellness
Mental Health Isn't a 1-Person Battle
Walk Toward a Healthier You
What Stress Does to the Body, and How Mindfulness Can Help
When our prehistoric ancestors faced terrifying situations like a hungry wooly mammoth, their endocrine system would flood their bodies with the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This "fight-or-flight" stress response provided a burst of energy so they could respond to the dangerous predator.
Traveling After Joint Replacement is Easier Than You Think
How to Ease Your Back Pain this Hiking Season
According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80% of the population will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain can stop people from doing certain activities they love, like hiking. How can you avoid back pain and get out and enjoy the great outdoors?
AEDs Save Lives
Sudden cardiac arrest happens quickly and most often without warning. An electrical malfunction causes your heart to beat irregularly. Your brain doesn't get enough blood. Your lungs and other organs don't get enough blood. Within seconds, you have no pulse.