Traveling After Joint Replacement is Easier Than You Think

Summer has finally approached, and it's time to travel! If you recently had joint replacement surgery, no need to worry - traveling is still in your future. If the proper actions are taken, it should be safe to travel soon after your surgery. Discuss your recovery timeline with your surgeon in advance for proper planning. Many people have concerns regarding traveling, but it's quite manageable. Below are some helpful tips to guide your travel planning: Prevent Blood Clots
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get up and walk around every two hours to increase blood flow.
  • Take medication like aspirin or prescribed blood thinners.
Wear compression stockings or mobile compression devices to prevent swelling. Give yourself extra time for security screenings, and let the TSA agent know about the implant in advance. Ask your surgeon for an implant ID card which you can present to the TSA agent. Plan for any soreness or swelling by bringing along a cane or a walker. Try stretching/exercising to help with circulation in your legs
  • Calf squeezes - Simply squeeze and relax your calf muscles and lift your heels up while sitting. Complete 15 to 20 reps.
  • Ankle pumps - Extend your legs while sitting so your feet are slightly off the floor. Bend your ankle forward and backward 15 to 20 times.
  • Knee pulls - Pull your knees to your chest while sitting to stretch your legs. Hold for 20 seconds.
If you plan to travel after joint replacement surgery, talk to your surgeon before your procedure to make sure you can safely enjoy your journey. Enjoy your newfound freedom!

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