Sleep Deprivation in Teens: A Common Problem
Teens on average need about nine hours of sleep at night. But most don't get the amount of sleep they need. School, friends, homework, activities, television, video games, cell phones and the computer may have a higher priority for a teen than sleep.
Grocery Shop the Smart and Healthy Way
Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. If you don't have the proper healthy ingredients in your home, preparing healthy meals can be difficult and challenging.
What Every Parent Needs to Know - The HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention
If you're a parent of a preteen or teen, we know you have many questions about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes cancer. Cancer can be prevented. The HPV vaccine is the first line of defense against several types of cancers.
Social Media: The Effect on Young People and Eating Disorders
Many circumstances play a role in the development of an eating disorder. Social media plays a significant role and should continue to be explored and monitored.
CT Scan vs. MRI - What's Best for a Sports-related Concussion?
A hockey check, a bicycle accident, a fall from a tree. All are potential causes of a concussion or traumatic brain injury. Concussions, and especially sports-related concussions, can vary in the extent of the injury and the severity of the symptoms.
How Five Seconds Can Change Your Life
Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55 mph, that's enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.
Are you guilty? Just a little? Do you sneak a peek?
Achoo! It Must Be Allergy Season
Nasal congestion. Sneezing. Itchy, red or watery eyes. Throat irritation. Wheezing. These might be the symptoms of a run-of-the-mill cold, or seasonal allergies could be the culprit!
Got Sunshine? Be Sure to Cover Up!
After cold temperatures and dark days, we're all looking forward to spending time outdoors in the warm sunshine!
If You Don't Have a Family Meal Each Day...
If you don't have a family meal each day, it's time to get out the plates. Table time yields benefits that go far beyond food. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University says that the more often children eat dinner with their parents, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs.
Showing 19-27 of 38 posts