Mind Matters
Learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your life and ways you can help improve your mental health and reduce stress.
Step Away from the Wine Glass
"A glass of wine will help me relax." All too often people say this as a way to cope with the stress of everyday life. Phrases like, "It takes the edge off," and "Just one beer" shouldn't become your mantra when trying to unwind after a tough day at the office or a long night with the kids.
Keys to Platinum Golden Years
While getting older may be unavoidable, there are still many things we can do to ensure the healthiest possible journey into our golden years. Read on for some important advice women should take.
Screenings: Early Detection Saves Lives
It's true.The Power of Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life
How many balls do you have in the air today? As women, we're often juggling kids, a job, a spouse, a home, aging parents and more.
Multitasking on so many fronts can be enormously stressful. Stress, in turn, can contribute to a host of health problems.
8 Reasons to Help Yourself by Helping Others
Spring is a time for a fresh start. Did you know that one of the best things you can do for yourself is to help others? Finding a cause and community really does bring its own benefits.
50 Ways to Be Kind
It doesn't take much to be kind. Here are 50 ideas. How many of them do you do?
- Fill parking meters. It's a simple act.
It Only Takes a Moment ... A Mindful Check-in
I don't have time to just sit around and do nothing. I have to drop the kids off at school, get to work, come home and make dinner, get my son to football practice and then catch up on emails. I have way too much work on my plate right now. I don't know when I'd fit this in.
My Mindful Superpower - The Power to Choose
You have the superpower to choose to be in the present moment by practicing mindfulness.
5 Ways Your Dog Makes You Healthier
We all know dogs offer love and companionship.
If You Don't Have a Family Meal Each Day...
If you don't have a family meal each day, it's time to get out the plates. Table time yields benefits that go far beyond food. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University says that the more often children eat dinner with their parents, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs.
Showing 28-36 of 43 posts