Oh My Aching Everything - Women and Weekend Warriors
As we age, it takes a little longer to recover from exercise. But that doesn't mean that as women "of a certain age," or men for that matter, we should hang up our sneakers.
Cardiovascular Fitness - A Powerful Predictor of Health and Longevity
If you're looking to lower your risk of heart disease as you age, there is great news ahead! Research indicates you can lower your risk by improving your cardiovascular fitness, even as you age.
Don't Make a New Year's Fitness Resolution
If you're getting ready to make New Year's fitness resolutions --- don't. Instead, design a yearlong fitness plan to make sure that you have effective lifestyle changes in place. Use our 12-month plan to improve your health each month.
- January. Set your goals.
This First Step to Weight Loss Is Sleep?
When it comes to losing weight, we've heard it all comes down to proper diet and exercise. But even if you're watching your weight and exercising on a regular basis, you could still have a hard time losing weight.
Being Prepared in Case of a Fall
When it comes to fall prevention, what can you do to help put your mind at ease and ensure the safety of your family?
Burn Calories without Exercise
Stroll down the aisles of any department store these days, and your eye will be drawn to an appealing collection of labor-saving gadgets.
Hiking Safety 101
Who doesn't like to take a leisurely stroll outdoors? Want to take it up a notch? Try hiking. Hiking is an activity for all ages and fitness levels, whether you're taking a walk through a local park or climbing summits across New England.
Working Out: Are Energy Gels Better than Sports Drinks?
Water and sports drinks have been the go-to drinks for workouts. But, are there other options now? With innovations of glycogen products, athletes do have more options.
Who Is at Risk for ACL Injuries?
Athletes cower at the mention of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Depending on how badly it's torn, the injury can put an athlete out for an entire season, even Tom Brady had to sit out a season because of his ACL injury.
Showing 10-18 of 27 posts