Women's Health
The Power of Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life
How many balls do you have in the air today? As women, we're often juggling kids, a job, a spouse, a home, aging parents and more.
Multitasking on so many fronts can be enormously stressful. Stress, in turn, can contribute to a host of health problems.
Oh My Aching Everything - Women and Weekend Warriors
As we age, it takes a little longer to recover from exercise. But that doesn't mean that as women "of a certain age," or men for that matter, we should hang up our sneakers.
Eye Love: Glaucoma and Aging Eyes
Did you know that women are more likely than men to have glaucoma? They also are more likely to become visually impaired or blind due to glaucoma.
Folic Acid and Your Unborn Baby
Planning to become pregnant? If you answered yes, then it's time to talk about folic acid and the many positive effects it can have on you and your unborn child.
A Look at Mammography: 2D vs 3D
The best weapon against breast cancer is prevention and early diagnosis through screening. But at what age should you have your first screening? And what screening exam should you choose?
5 Steps to Help Avoid Osteoporosis
Once women reach menopause, their risk for osteoporosis increases as bone loss accelerates and bones weaken. In fact, most of the calcium that went into building strong bones was added by the time you turned 17.
Showing 19-24 of 24 posts