Joint Notice of Information Practices (Privacy Policy)

Patient Privacy

At UMass Memorial Health (UMass Memorial), your privacy is a priority. We follow strict federal and state guidelines to maintain the confidentiality of your medical (protected health) information.

We also follow state guidelines regarding how long we must store your medical records and the requirements for proper disposal.

Protected Health Information

Protected health information (PHI) is any information about your past, present or future health care, or payment for that could be used to identify you.

Transfer and Access Center

When a patient needs the specialty care available at UMass Memorial Medical Center, physicians can turn to the Transfer and Access Center (TrAC) to smooth the way, any time of day or night.

The Transfer and Access Center is an enhanced service focused on efficiently filling the needs of patients and the referring physician who requests a transfer. The Center is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by a team of experienced intensive care and emergency medicine nurses with significant expertise in direct patient care. 

Army of Experts

It’s not just a team, it’s an army. When it comes to your fight against cancer, you want to know that instead of a few doctors working on many types of cancer, you will be cared for by many cancer specialists working on your type of cancer. This is called multidisciplinary care.

From simple to complex cancers, your small army of experts determines the best possible treatment plan - and best results. Our Cancer Center involves specialists who provide input to your treatment. Our multidisciplinary team approach to your cancer care sets us apart.

Services We Provide

If you or a loved one is having a stroke, you want the expert care of a team recognized for its quality care of stroke patients. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health recognized us as a primary stroke center. In addition, our Medical Center is recognized by the American Stroke Association as a Get with the Guidelines Gold Plus recipient  for providing aggressive, proven stroke care. Our services include:

Pediatric HIV/AIDS

If your child is infected with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) or is at risk for infection, he/she may need special care and treatment. Children benefit from the HIV research and care available through our Maternal-Child HIV Program and academic partner UMass Chan Medical School.

HIV Care Focused on Children

Our team of specialists will treat your child based on his/her unique needs. We focus on the following goals:

Pediatric Infectious Diseases

Bacterial, viral, parasitic or fungal infections are all types of infectious diseases that can make your child sick and are reason for concern. These illnesses need to be treated by specialists who are committed to preventing and treating acute and chronic infectious diseases including HIV and AIDS.

Types of Infectious Diseases We Treat

Typical referrals include children with: