How Can You Save Eight Lives?

Winter has finally passed and the flowers are beginning to bloom; it's the perfect time to celebrate National Donate Life Month! Though every day may not be perfect, April always seems to remind us that each day is a blessing and well-worth living. This year's National Donate Life Month symbol is the tall, confident sunflower, which has the potential to create an entirely new field of flowers from its seeds. As registered organ and tissue donors, we have a similar potential to give the gift of life to someone in need. One organ donor alone can save and heal the lives of up to eight people and countless others through tissue donation. According to research, 90 percent of Americans say they support donation but only 30 percent know the essential steps to take to become a donor. It takes less than two minutes to register online, making life possible for many more. Visit or watch the video to learn more about donor registration.

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