Head Injury

A head injury is a broad term that describes many injuries that occur to the scalp, skull, brain, and underlying tissue and blood vessels in the head. Head injuries are also commonly referred to as brain injury, or traumatic brain injury, depending on the extent of the head trauma.

Lumbar Strain

A lumbar strain is an injury to the lower back. This results in damaged tendons and muscles that spasm and feel sore.

Torn Meniscus

Between the bones of the knees are two crescent-shaped disks of connective tissue, called menisci, which also act as shock absorbers to cushion the lower part of the leg from the weight of the rest of the body. Meniscus tears can happen when twisting while bearing weight.

Exercise and Older Adults

Exercise is good for people of all ages. It helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risks for falls and serious injuries, and slows the body's loss of muscle and bone mass.

Neck Pain

Your neck is at risk for injury because of its location and range of motion. Neck pain can be caused by injury, age, or inflammatory disorders.

Knee Ligament Injuries

Learn about the 4 major ligaments of the knee, and about common injuries, symptoms, and treatment.


Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases are common conditions that cause pain, swelling, and limited movement. They affect joints and connective tissues around the body. Millions of people in the U.S. have some form of arthritis.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Because most mouths are too small for the 4 additional molars called wisdom teeth, these teeth usually must be removed.