Medical Genetics: Multifactorial Inheritance

Multifactorial inheritance is when more than 1 factor causes a trait or health problem, such as a birth defect or chronic illness. Genes can be 1 factor, but other things that aren't genes can play a part, too.

Mosaic Down Syndrome

Detailed information on mosaic Down syndrome, including the chances for it to happen again in a family

Home Page - Medical Genetics

Detailed information on medical genetics, including chromosome abnormalities, single gene defects, multifactorial inheritance, teratogens, and non-traditional inheritance

Medical Genetics: Chromosome Studies

When a chromosome is abnormal, it can cause health problems in the body. Tests called studies can look at chromosomes to see what type of problem a person has.

Birth Defects in Children

A birth defect is a health problem or abnormal physical change that is present when a baby is born. Birth defects can be very mild, where the baby looks and acts like any other baby. Or birth defects can be more severe. Read on to learn more.