Pneumothorax in Children

A pneumothorax is an air leak in the lungs. It's when air from the lungs leaks into the chest area.

Milk Production and Your High-Risk Baby

When you have a high-risk baby, you may face some challenges with milk production. Read on to learn details of what to expect, as well as helpful tips and strategies.

Stridor in Children

Stridor is a noisy or high-pitched sound with breathing. It is a sign that the upper airway is partially blocked. It may involve the nose, mouth, sinuses, voice box (larynx), or windpipe (trachea).

Septoplasty for Children

Septoplasty is surgery to fix a septum. The septum is the wall that divides your child's nose into two sides. It is made of soft cartilage and bone and is covered with a mucous membrane. A deviated septum is when the septum is not in the middle.

Pilomatrixoma in Children

A pilomatrixoma is a slow-growing, hard lump found under the skin. It is most common on the face and neck, but it may be on other parts of the body. Read on to learn more.