Caring for Newborn Multiples

Because many multiples are small and born early, they may be initially cared for in a special care nursery called the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Sore Nipples

Read on to learn about possible causes and treatment for sore nipples when breastfeeding.

Plugged Milk Ducts

Some breastfeeding moms may be more likely to get plugged milk ducts than others. Read on for some quick tips on preventing and managing this condition.

Overactive Let-Down

Many nursing mothers worry that their babies aren't getting enough milk. But what if the opposite is true? Here's what you can do to make sure you aren't overwhelming your baby during feeding time.

Care of the Baby in the Delivery Room

A newborn baby is wet from the amniotic fluid and can easily become cold. Drying the baby and using warm blankets and heat lamps can help prevent heat loss. Often a knitted hat is placed on the baby's head.

Effective Sucking

It's important for your baby's health to be able to effectively remove milk from your breast during nursing. To do this, your baby must learn the correct way to suck. But how do you know if your baby is actually getting the nutrition they need? Here's a guide to help you.

Your Baby and Breastfeeding

Think there's only one way to breastfeed? You can position your baby in several ways during feeding time that can be comfortable for both of you.