Installing and Using Child Safety Seats and Booster Seats

As part of your preparation for your new baby, you probably got an infant safety seat for the car. But do you know how to make sure it’s installed correctly? And when do you switch to a child safety seat? Learn the ins and outs of safe car travel for your little one.


Detailed information on bottle-feeding, including information on the different types of baby formulas.

Adjustment Disorders in Children

An adjustment disorder is an unhealthy emotional or behavioral reaction to a stressful event or change in a person's life. The response happens within 3 months of the stressful event.

Infant Feeding Guide

How much, what, and when to feed your baby can seem daunting. But this cheat sheet will give you the information you need to start your baby on the right nutritional path.

Newborn Warning Signs

Most newborns adjust well to the outside world. But it's helpful to know about these warning signs that could indicate a possible problem.

Breathing Problems

If you listen closely, you'll notice that your baby's breathing isn't like yours. Babies breathe much more frequently and with different patterns than adults. Here's how to recognize normal breathing in your infant - and how to spot signs of respiratory distress.

Fever in a Newborn Baby

The system that controls body temperature is not well developed in a newborn. Here's what you need to know about fever and your baby.