Brian Bouvier Charles Cavagnaro, MD Ellen Dorian William Fischer Kimi Kobayashi, MD Joseph Leandres Ann Molloy, Esq., Vice Chair Michael Murphy, Chair Peter Miotto, MD Philip Purcell Kimberly Robinson, MD Sean Rose Vibha Sharma, MD Joseph Tennyson, MD Luiz Thomaz
Padma Bheri, Director, Quality, Patient Safety and Regulatory Affairs Ellen Carlucci, Vice President, Development, Marketing and Communications Annette Casco, Associate Vice President, Rehab and Endo Charles Cavagnaro, III, MD, FACP, Interim President John Kelly, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nursing Officer Steven McCue, Chief Financial Officer Shaunette Miller, AVP HR, Community Hospitals Paul Riggieri, Associate Vice President, Diagnostic Imaging Joseph Tennyson, MD, Interim Chief Medical Officer
Department Chairs
Joseph Foley, MD - Anesthesia Teresa Pazdral, MD - Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics Vibha Sharma, MD - Infectious Disease Chandrika Jain, MD - Medicine Habib Sioufi, MD - Pathology Matthew Butler, DPM - Podiatry Maxwell Frank, MD - Psychiatry Evan C. Ruppell, DO - Radiology Peter Miotto, MD - Surgery