Topic Index - Medical Genetics
Detailed information on medical genetics, including chromosome abnormalities, single gene defects, multifactorial inheritance, teratogens, and non-traditional inheritance
Overview of Chromosome Abnormalities
Types of Chromosome Abnormalities
Structural Abnormalities: Deletions (Cri du Chat) and Duplications (Pallister Killian)
How Chromosome Abnormalities Happen: Meiosis, Mitosis, Maternal Age, Environment
Autosomal Recessive: Cystic Fibrosis, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay Sachs Disease
Uniparental Disomy: Prader-Willi Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome
Evaluating a Child for Birth Defects
Genetic Services: When, Where, How
Identification, Treatment, and Prevention of Birth Defects