Recovery Room/Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

Once surgery is done, your child will be brought to the recovery room, also called the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU).

Where will my child recover from surgery?

Once surgery is done, your child will go to a recovery area. This may be called a recovery room or post-anesthesia care unit (PACU). There, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other healthcare providers will closely monitor your child as they wake from anesthesia. The length of time spent in recovery depends on the type of surgery done, your child's response to surgery and anesthesia, and your child's condition. While your child is in recovery, the staff will:

  • Take vital signs such, as blood pressure, pulse, and breathing

  • Watch for any signs of complications

  • Take your child's temperature

  • Monitor your child's level of consciousness

  • Check tubes or drains

  • Check the wound

  • Check IV (intravenous) lines

  • Check your child's urine output

  • Keep your child comfortable with pain medicine and body positioning

  • Make sure your child is awake enough to swallow well before giving them something to drink

When your child is awake and their vital signs are stable, your child will be brought back to a regular hospital room or sent home.