First-Aid Kit
Detailed list of recommended items for a household first-aid kit
Everyone should have a well-stocked first-aid kit at home, in the car, and in the workplace. You may also want to stock a portable kit (a box or small bag) that can be taken to the site of an emergency.
It is important to check your kit regularly to restock items that have been used, and to replace items that are out-of-date.
The contents of the kit vary depending on the number of people it is designed to protect, as well as its intent for use. Recommended contents of a first-aid kit include the following:
Instruments | Bandages |
Medicines | Miscellaneous items |
You can also use the following everyday items in the event of an emergency:
Disposable or cloth diapers for compresses, bandages, or padding for splints
Dish towels for bandages or slings
Umbrella, rolled magazine, or layered newspaper for use as a splint
In addition, it is helpful to carry the following items in your car:
A large blanket
Gallon-size bottle of water
Flashlight and extra batteries
If your child or other family member has special medical needs, be sure to carry extra medical supplies when you go on an outing or trip. Some of these items might include the following:
An allergy kit containing medicines to be used by people allergic to insect stings or certain foods
Prescription medicines (make sure they're stored properly and aren't expired), syringes, and special equipment or supplies
Be sure any member of your family who has special needs wears a Medic Alert bracelet or necklace at all times. Applications are available in most pharmacies.