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Simply Well Content to help you live healthy and well. Enhancing your lifestyle is part of our relentless pursuit of helping you live a healthy life.
Health Library Your trusted resource for all types of health conditions, providing you the knowledge to make informed decisions about your health.
Simply Well Content to help you live healthy and well. Enhancing your lifestyle is part of our relentless pursuit of helping you live a healthy life.
Registration Confirmation Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Thank you for registering for the 8-Week Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR)If you don't see the three emails below in your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. These emails were sent to the address you provided.An email with the specific details for your course (date, time, instructor)An email with the meeting room link for the orientation date/time you have chosenAn email from with a receipt for your tuition payment (this may take an extra day to arrive)For more information:MBSR Course Description PageFull Schedule of Classes