November 3, 2016
SOUTHBRIDGE, MA – Harrington Behavioral Health & Recovery and St. John Paul II Parish will host a Community Recovery Awareness Fair on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in St. Mary’s Ministry Center, 279 Hamilton St., South...
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November 2, 2016
SOUTHBRIDGE, MA – New Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades, which assign A, B, C, D and F letter grades to hospitals nationwide and provide the most complete picture of patient safety in the U.S., were announced on October 31 by The Leapfrog Group, a na...
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September 26, 2016
This October, Harrington will offer free mammograms to uninsured women who are overdue for their annual exams....
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On October 1., Harrington HealthCare System, MEMA and the Tri-EPIC Coalition will conduct a disaster drill called “Operation CERT SCRUB,” in order to validate the Harrington HealthCare at Webster hazardous materials decontamination plan and the ...
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September 23, 2016
Karen Spiewak, a Charlton resident with strong community ties, has been named director of development for Harrington HealthCare System....
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August 10, 2016
SOUTHBRIDGE, Mass. – August 10, 2016 – Harrington Physician Services has welcomed Dr. Stjepan Kereshi to its physician group, an affiliate of Harrington HealthCare System. Dr. Kereshi is board certified in neurology, electromyography and electrod...
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August 2, 2016
Harrington has recently been cited by HealthGrove, a health news and information site, as having the shortest emergency room wait times in the state....
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August 1, 2016
Katie Adams, a Brooklyn, Conn. native, is the new Director of Mental Health for Harrington HealthCare System. She would like to see an expansion of school-based services and is also looking at the structure of the current outpatient program with hope...
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July 21, 2016
Yasser Rehman, M.D., will join The Cancer Center at Harrington in August where he will see patients for both oncology and hematology care....
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July 7, 2016
Robert Maloney, M.D., a primary care internist with more than 30 years’ experience, will join Harrington Physician Services (HPS) Spencer office at 118 W. Main Street on August 1....
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